Ahead of the 2022 federal election, Tom Ballard from the Serious Danger podcast spoke to Dr. Tjanara Goreng Goreng, Greens senate candidate for ACT.

Dr Tjanara Goreng Goreng
Wakka Wakka woman
Senate Candidate for the ACT
First Nations Network Secretary
I’m running for the Senate because I believe we have a responsibility to look after one another and the country that gives us life.
As a senior First Nations woman, I have a responsibility to challenge the system which continues to deny First Nations people sovereignty, justice and the ability to implement our law – the oldest in existence.
That means looking after everyone we share this country with, including future generations, animals and the ecosystems that support us all.”
Video: What if our leaders were humble
Dr Tjanara Goreng Goreng introduces the concept of ‘sacred leadership’ – and shares how the knowledge and practices of Australia’s First Nations peoples can teach us all to be better, more humble leaders and custodians of our futures.
Video: Decolonisation & ReSovereignising
Most countries in the Global South have experienced colonisation, and the experience has left a long shadow that continues to extend to the present.
Video: What Sacred Leadership Means
Dr Tjanara Goreng Goreng speaking in 2018 about her work that brings together the principles of Sacred Leadership from behavioural psychologist Robert Kegan and others, with the Aboriginal development and education system, with a simple purpose: "it's about growing up...